Nobody's perfect, we know you guys are going to mess up occassionally, which is why I've devised this scale of punishments for "crimes" committed.
1st Offense = Official Warning
2nd Offense = Points Loss
3rd Offense = Points Loss/Detention/Loss of Title if Student is Head Boy/Girl or Prefect
4th Offense = ... let's hope it doesn't get to that. (aka Expulsion, by order of the Headmistress or masters)
Double-Posting/Low Word Count (less than 15 words)
-Points loss for each offense. A large number of offenses may result in more severe action.
*Professors may 'thread jack' in Hogwarts if students are misbehaving. They will not always be caught, it will be based on luck and if a professor is actually looking. So don't thing that placing names or a group in the description box will keep you safe from that. ~ Please note that all punishments will still be in character.
For other site rule infractions, the punishments will fit the crime. You will receive a warning the first time, and we will go from there. Hopefully, nobody wants to get more than a warning.